Friday, September 30, 2011

Salsa...Not as Spicy as You Think...

Hey er'boday.   So yeah it's been a while.  And I've been SUPER busy.  I sit here listening to Numa Numa and sniffing since I now have developed a cold.  It's been a whirlwind of a week and a lot has gone through my head.  My plans to travel to Jinju for the lantern festival today have been botched by my stupid and nagging cold.  I have never had this much snot before.  But wait.... that's not even the start of it.

So a few weeks ago (more like maybe 3 1/2) I had a cough.  Phelmy and gross I went to the doctor with my host mom who decided to not let me pay for anything.  Anyways, I take the 6 pills three times a day for 3 days that they give me and it doesn't really work that well.  However, it worked in other ways....thanks antibiotics.  But now I'm sick again.  Stuffed like a chimney.  I just finished my lowered dose of antibiotics that have done SQUAT and am still coughing up phelm.  I found some Equate Sinus and Allergy stuff and it's given me some relief....but I might go get the shot to just stop it all together.

Before I was on my 2nd dose of medication for my new cough and head cold, another little surprise came around.  When you say it in Korean it sounds like "salsa."  Can anyone take a guess what it was?  No, I did not have delicious Mexican food.  No I did not stuff my face with a fatty burrito with salsa on it....No, my friends.  It was 설사, seolsa....DIARRHEA.  I had the craps for 2 friggin days.  I thought it would stop, but then I remembered...."Wait....people DIE from having DIarrhea..." Finally I decided to tell my host mom before I started taking the other antibiotics.  We were conveniently at the dinner table, just host mom, host sister and I chowin' down on some chicken and kimchi.  I told my host mom and she looked up with a (O.o) look on her face and said "Why? 왜?" ....Host mom, if only I knew.  So right away she whisked me away to the 약국 or pharmacy to get some antidiarrheals.  (also, can i just let you all know I'm sitting here cracking up at this ridiculous story)  We obtained the goods, and she made me take two pills right in the pharmacy.  With some nasty ass drink that tasted like cough syrup.  I almost choked on it as both my host mom and the pharmacist looked on.  After gagging down the syrup and pills host mom rushed me out of the pharmacy and then we were driving somewhere.  It wasn't back home.

Next thing I know my host mom pulls out her phone and types something in it and then shows me.  The dictionary/translator on her phone says 본죽 : porridge; gruel; SLOPS.  Trying to pronounce the words to me, I remembered that Koreans, when they get diarrhea all they eat is porridge.  She was like "slops?" and I told her that was for animals....porridge would be the correct term.  Or at least I hoped.  We stopped at a little restaurant and went in.  It was a porridge shop and quite charming.  My host mom had me pick out which porridge I would be eating for the next 2 days.  Of course, I pick the crab meat one.  Classy salsa.  She ends up getting a bunch of porridge for the whole family because apparently my host brother likes the stuff.  And so begins my 2 day porridge diet.  My host mom had to even pack me a lunch and I had to hide in my office and eat alone for fear of weird stares by students and co-workers alike.  Nah, just kidding, they understand.  People get diarrhea all the time. NOT.

Thank god, that porridge worked.  Stuffed me right up.  Stuffed me so much that I now have a friggin stuffy nose and head.  ::sigh::

So this week teaching has been interesting.  I really started questioning whether or not I'm doing a good job.  I want to do the best that I can, but I am always not sure if I am.  Some days were real struggles.  It's hard when you are sick.  But I found myself pulling energy from somewhere.  I taught lessons on emotions and casual conversation.  Peace out has been a success.  I also roughly planned my winter break 2 week camp.  It's dubbed "Around the World in 10 Days."  We will see how it goes.  Sometimes it is hard to connect with my host siblings too....they aren't as curious as I thought they would be.  I'm just hoping I'm doing a good job with them too... I really need to get better though...I want to travel!  On the agenda: October 3rd - Andong Mask Festival and Oct 7-8 Busan International Film Festival.  :)

But first we have to go to 할머니's house (halmoni's/Grandma's house) because today (Oct 1) is her birthday!  I made her a card and will give her some ginseng candies.  My host mom and sister think halmoni will get a kick out of it.  I hope she does.  ^^

Until next time - may the salsa NOT be with you.


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